$597.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Muse Business Academy

4 Monthly Payments of $597.00 USD

The Muse Business Academy is a 4-month business accelerator designed for sacred rebels, Wildhearts and creative souls who want to combine their creative magic with rock solid business strategy that supports and fastracks your business’ growth and teaches you essential leadership skills so you can THRIVE while making an impact .

What you'll get:

  • MODULE 1: Spark
    Welcome to the Muse Business Academy

  • MODULE 2: Pleasure
    Unleash Your Pleasure & Creativity!

  • MODULE 3: Ethos
    Lead with Your Values

  • MODULE 4: Creativity
    Create Your Initial Offers & Manifest Money Fast!

  • MODULE 5: Money
    The Sacred Art of Sales

  • MODULE 6: Mindset Magic
    Meet Your Inner Critics

  • MODULE 7: Enroll
    Generate New Leads & Fill Your Programs

  • MODULE 8: Amplify
    Social Media Magic & Build Your Email List

Plus UNLIMITED ACCESS to some of my best resources:

✨ Divine Purpose Path ($497 Value)

✨ The Vault ($4444 value)